Inappropriate Conversations With Pre-Schoolers (Should Be A Show)

Context: Squiggles’ favourite stuffed animal is a beaver, aptly name Beav. I LITERALLY CANNOT. Everything about Beav is gutter worthy. Even when this child is having a tantrum, screaming his face off, there is nothing not funny about a 3 year old yelling “I want my beav!!!” Anyways, we went for a walk yesterday down to Pittock Dam. The kid yammered the entire way about beavers.

Squiggles: I like beavers. They are nice animals.

Me: Sure. Why do you like beavers?

Squiggles: I like to taste them. And pet them.

Me: WHAT?!?!?! You like to taste them??!?!?!

Squiggles: NO! I like to CHASE them.

Me: Oh thank God.

Squiggles: Also, Daddy says some beavers are bad so I shouldn’t touch them.

Me: Oh God. Sooooo, there’s the dam…

Seriously. It was too much for me. And sure as sh!t, didn’t we see a beaver at Burgess Park? No, we didn’t; it was actually a giant muskrat, but I let him think it was a beaver.

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