We’re So Proud…

So tonight was Meet-the-Teacher…Keelan’s moment of filial pride took place sitting in one of those itttttty bitty chairs in Squiggles’ classroom. With many other parents listening. And watching…and hopefully laughing instead of being gloriously offended? 

Squiggles: “Dad, look at that girl!”

Keelan: “Why…”

Squiggles: “She’s hot!!!”

Keelan: —no reaction—

Squiggles: “Dad, look at her she’s sooooo hot!!!!”

After the third time Keelan turns around, not because he wants to see a hot five yo, but because every time Squiggles was ignored he got louder and louder and needed to be stopped….

It’s 30+ degrees here, and the children have been running around outside for an hour, are now in the on air conditioned classroom with like 50 people. As you can imagine…

The hot girl was incredibly flushed. Much like every other child in there…