Oh So Proud

Context: Whiskers is sleeping and Squiggles is babbling away and it’s rare I have time to really listen. 

Squiggles: Do you know anyone called Leonardo?

Me: Yeah sure Leonardo the ninja turtle. 

Squiggles: Yeah he’s the blue one. Do you know anyone else with the name Leonardo. 

Me: Um Leonardo DaVinci?

Squiggles: Who’s that? Another ninja turtle?

Me: No he was a very famous artist from a long time ago.

Squiggles, after a brief pause: Well I think you should call him Leonarto.

Me: Uh why?

Squiggles: Because he’s a artist (insert snickering at his own joke).

Hilarious. Dad jokes at 4.

Blog Fail/The Next Best Thing

So not surprisingly this blog crawled into a hole in the forest and died. And nobody heard. Or nobody cared. That’s A Little Blue Truck reference right there. It is also an example of precisely the reason I haven’t updated this blog – my brain is fried from life. Because I’m so hard done by. But obviously not, just busy AF. 

So since occasionally my kids still say or do funny things, I’m going to continue in a Twitter/texts-from-last-night type of fashion. Today’s edition is not overly hilarious, but is again more of a statement on my state of mind.

Things I’ve Said To My Friends Via Text in the past week:

“My kids were good today. Squiggles has had some naughty moments but overall has avoided inspiring blind rage.”

“Ever tried punching your iPhone pass code into the microwave?”

“Come for girls night. You may have to share a bed with me but I promise to wear jammies and not pee the bed.” (For the record I kept both of those promises…)